Sunday, February 14, 2010

How did we do: From Paris with Love

In keeping with our need to see how are predictions are doing, we assess our predictions for From Paris with Love.  ...Though, looking at their weekend gross, it appears as though nobody really cares.

Our IMDB prediction was 5.7, and currently From Paris with Love has an overall rating of 6.5.  But as we said before, ratings after the first weekend will likely be inflated.  When we assessed Edge of Darkness last week, IMDB's score was 7.4, but since then it has dropped to a 7.1, bringing it ever (inexorably?) closer to our predicted score of 6.7.  Hopefully we'll see the same trend with From Paris with Love.

Last week, we examined who we represented best, and this week it's people aged 45+.  We no longer are Females 18-29 who thought the movie was great, giving it a 7.0.  Clearly this is just an error in judgement on their part.  What's interesting, however, is that for both weeks, we have been close to the ratings from the IMDB "Top 1000 voters," indicating that our model may indeed have some validity.

Also, judging from Edge of Darkness and From Paris with Love, our predictions are about 0.8 below the values after the first weekend.  This gap will probably change with the quality of movie, but it will be interesting to see how we do in the coming weeks.

Once again we were off on our predictions of weekend gross, but things are getting better.  From Paris with Love got a minuscule $8 million which is substantially less than Edge of Darkness at $17 million.  More on that for The Wolfman.

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