Monday, February 8, 2010

Review: The Wolfman

This week's movie is The Wolfman featuring Benicio Del Toro and Anthony Hopkins.  And it's predicted to be a good one despite having a tagline belonging to countless Disney movies ("When the moon is full the legend comes to life").

Predicted IMDB Score: 7.4
Predicted Weekend Gross: $20 million

Preview here.

To find out more about the predictions, read more.

Having multiple big stars and multiple genres (a little bit of action, a little bit of drama, a little horror) definitely boosts this movie's predicted score.  Having werewolves will likely boost the score as well, though this won't be picked up in our model.  Also, we're glad to see Benicio Del Toro back in action, though we're not sure his metamorphosis here will be able to top his terrifying transformation in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

As to the weekend gross, we are still trying to improve this measure.  In the past two reviews, we've vastly over predicted the weekend gross, but this week, we were able to rein in the prediction a bit, and we believe $20 million might be a reasonable number.  We're still adding data, and in a few weeks, our predictions should improve.

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