Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mid-Week Feature: 80s wrestler vs. that guy with the voice

Movies have lots of fight scenes.  Usually these fights follow the same setup.  The hero enters the fight reluctantly only to reveal himself as a tremendous badass.  Luckily, the villain is also a tremendous badass, and the resulting brawl escalates to include punches that most normal humans couldn't take.

In They Live, 80s wrestler Roddy Piper faces off with Keith David in attempt to get David to put on a pair of sunglasses.  Now normally, you wouldn't think this kind of disagreement would warrant a movie fight, but we're pretty glad it did.  The number of body-breaking blows in this scene is after the jump.

44, or namely, all of them.  From Keith David's opener to the final body slam, we're pretty sure we wouldn't get up from any of these.

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